We have been working within retired communities for over 8 years including AVEO, Stockland, Lendlease and most other major villages. We are dedicated to providing a cost effective service and support dedicated to our retired customers. If you would like to see us in your village please get in contact

RELAX and let us take care of your solar system

For retirement villages we offer a low cost solar service which includes:

• Greet the resident and answer any questions in relation to their solar power system and their energy bill/appliances

• Go through to the inverter and check the voltage, current and energy generation values on the LCD display

• Check cables, connections, isolation and mandatory operational and safety labeling

• Educate the resident about simple monitoring of the inverter and what to do in case of faults or failure

• On the roof, we check all fasteners and mounts, cables, connections, isolation and earthing

• Clean each solar panel (simply using water and hard work) and check for cracks/surface anomalies

• 12 months phone support for faults with 1 free call out to site included for each resident that takes up our service

• Access to competitively priced Inverter and other solar products